
As previously stated, I have a Bachelor’s in Conceptual Systems Engineering from George Mason. The Bachelor Program at GMU requires that a student have one academic adviser to oversee their work. I had three: the department head for Operations Research, the department head for Education and Human Development, and a retired Marine Colonel who was also the department head for ESL.

To supplement this degree, I am currently pursuing an Associate’s degree in Engineering Technology with a Drafting Specialization with the longer-term goal of getting a Bachelor’s degree in Design Engineering. It is one of many ways in which my creativity can be manifested.

Between the first and current degree, I have taken numerous courses in physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, systems engineering, programming, drafting, and modeling. I have also taken classes in psychology and communications, two upper-level and one graduate-level, as well as two upper-level classes in anthropology. I’m currently in my third semester of AutoCAD and architecture. This swath of study grants me a broad, rich, and integrated understanding of our world; a type of knowledge that is distinct from the deep knowledge of specialists.

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